Tuesday, October 18, 2011

morning moon, quiet stars
Long Wasatch silhouette
tasting the dawn, slowly

Distant slopes bleed red,
with summer. In the city,
it's already gray.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Someone was recomending at breathing exercise that I am going to try out.

It is simple to do. It only takes 324 seconds to do it. 18 breath
cycles. This is how it's done:

Breath in four counts through the nose. Breath out variable counts
through the mouth. Breath in through the nose, breathe out through the


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Historical sleep manipulation?

I am on day six of my everyman polyphasic adventure. (Core sleep 3am - 6am then 20min naps at 11:30am - 5:30pm - 11:30pm)

I am having fun with my immersion into the study of sleep. Along with actively changing my schedule I have been doing some enjoyable Armchair/Google study on sleep. I wish that I had undertaken this study sooner, but I think it is one of those subjects that is almost invisible due to its integral place in our very existence. We just plain 'take it for granted'. While breath might be also placed in this category it is also been the subject of extensive study and manipulation, modern and anciently. Why not sleep? I am convinced in my dazed state that somewhere in history I can find references to secret society or otherwise separatist order that has abandoned monophasic sleep for the sake of secret knowledge. I read that Lord Byron was a rumored adapter of strange sleeping schedules..

Our life is twofold; Sleep hath its own world,
A boundary between the things misnamed
Death and existence: Sleep hath its own world,
And a wide realm of wild reality,
And dreams in their development have breath,
And tears, and tortures, and the touch of joy;
They leave a weight upon our waking thoughts,
They take a weight from off waking toils,
They do divide our being; they become
A portion of ourselves as of our time,
And look like heralds of eternity...

My other theory peaking its head out of the fog is that this kind of schedule is only made realistic by technology. However alarm clocks have been around since the 15th century and I am sure there are ways around 'cheating' with robots. Especially if you can make it past the adaptation stages.

An earlier experiment I had been doing (http://www.dreaminglucid.com/articlejc.html) with lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis has been on the forefront of my thoughts because it seems very clear to me that my conscious awareness has been waking up before my body. Mainly, I wake up and worry about the fact I can feel my jaw open. I really want to close it but I am afraid doing so will wake my body up. The good news is there is no drool... no drool that I am aware of.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

EFT a Revolutionary tool for the Revolutionary minded.

EFT (emotional freedom technique) is amazingly quick and effective therapy for shock, fear and stress from traumatic events.
Helpful for calming your heart and mind in the midst of the most intimidating events. It Helps calm children amid civic unrest and discord.
If you have friends or family struggling with violent images, loss of sleep or irrational fears THIS TOOL HELPS.

It is simple to use and teach. Here is the free manual in Farsi.

Here it is in English.

AFTER you have read the manual read a few examples that may inspire and help you understand this technique.

Step by step walk-thru for helping trauma survivors.


An example of someone using EFT during a hurricane.


An example of someone using EFT for nightmares after a violent crime.

An example of someone using it for PTSD from a bombing in Iraq.

An example of someone using EFT to calm after being attacked in the street.

An example of someone using EFT to help a Firefighter after losing friends and co-workers.

Many many more examples can be found here.


Brother and sisters don't give up!
You are the vessels of freedom to generations of children.
You have all my love and support.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have kind of abandoned the lengthy prose and verbose meandering to twitter. Every post I make on there I find myself having used too many long words to form the thought I want to record. I don't mind though. I like it for some of the same reasons I like Haiku. A couple well thought out laws/rules/guides will set a foundation for the creation of anything.
What has always been my stumbling block is spelling. My dyslexia manifests in my symbolic output. The spell check in Firefox is wonderful and means that I don't spend nights flipping back and forth between a and dictionary a thesaurus for hours. Painstakingly writing letters to my friends. However, it also means that I don't get distracted creating symbols either. Some of my favorite nights growing up consisted of me siting by candle light in my room writing and listening to tapes.

A large portion of what I believed the future would be like has already become the past. I find myself drifting rudderless while my intelligence works feverishly with all the new data that streams into it trying to weave a coherent world view. What a beautiful tapestry. Cycles, loops, patterns, and the endless beat from the core of creation itself.

Falling asleep...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Who has the authority to tell you how to live? You do.

I think it is a parents duty to educate their children on subjects such as the law. To be ignorant of the fundamentals of how a the Government you live in is SUPPOSED to work is a confusing way to live. You don't know how or why some people have authority to tell you how to live your life, other than they "work" for some governing agency.
With no clear understanding of how law SHOULD protect you from the ABUSES of authority you have no protection and may simply accept much unlawful abuse unknowingly.

Who has the authority to tell you how to live? You do.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Terence, my friend, does anything scare you?

MCKENNA: Madness. People always ask, "Will I die on drug A, B, or C?" That's the wrong question. Of course you can die, but what is at risk is your sanity, because it seems as though the deconstruction of reality has no bottom, and you can just move out into these places. I worry about not being able to contextualize these things, losing the thread allowing me to return to the human community. We're trying to build bridges here, not just sail off.

-Terence McKenna Interview by OMNI Magazine, May 1993

Madness. I concur.
Like the stories of travelers who return home to loved ones who no longer recognize them. I have harbored the fear that the things that I might learn would change me. How such a fear could also be among my greatest hopes is a perfect fire for the heart of change. Mutablilty as Shelley says is all there will ever be.
Seek that deep, abiding changeless Love and hold tight to it as you explore the limitless journey and fear not. We are all mad here.

Dyslexic mystic