Sunday, July 6, 2008

Terence, my friend, does anything scare you?

MCKENNA: Madness. People always ask, "Will I die on drug A, B, or C?" That's the wrong question. Of course you can die, but what is at risk is your sanity, because it seems as though the deconstruction of reality has no bottom, and you can just move out into these places. I worry about not being able to contextualize these things, losing the thread allowing me to return to the human community. We're trying to build bridges here, not just sail off.

-Terence McKenna Interview by OMNI Magazine, May 1993

Madness. I concur.
Like the stories of travelers who return home to loved ones who no longer recognize them. I have harbored the fear that the things that I might learn would change me. How such a fear could also be among my greatest hopes is a perfect fire for the heart of change. Mutablilty as Shelley says is all there will ever be.
Seek that deep, abiding changeless Love and hold tight to it as you explore the limitless journey and fear not. We are all mad here.

Dyslexic mystic

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