Wednesday, June 24, 2009

EFT a Revolutionary tool for the Revolutionary minded.

EFT (emotional freedom technique) is amazingly quick and effective therapy for shock, fear and stress from traumatic events.
Helpful for calming your heart and mind in the midst of the most intimidating events. It Helps calm children amid civic unrest and discord.
If you have friends or family struggling with violent images, loss of sleep or irrational fears THIS TOOL HELPS.

It is simple to use and teach. Here is the free manual in Farsi.

Here it is in English.

AFTER you have read the manual read a few examples that may inspire and help you understand this technique.

Step by step walk-thru for helping trauma survivors.

An example of someone using EFT during a hurricane.

An example of someone using EFT for nightmares after a violent crime.

An example of someone using it for PTSD from a bombing in Iraq.

An example of someone using EFT to calm after being attacked in the street.

An example of someone using EFT to help a Firefighter after losing friends and co-workers.

Many many more examples can be found here.

Brother and sisters don't give up!
You are the vessels of freedom to generations of children.
You have all my love and support.


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