Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have kind of abandoned the lengthy prose and verbose meandering to twitter. Every post I make on there I find myself having used too many long words to form the thought I want to record. I don't mind though. I like it for some of the same reasons I like Haiku. A couple well thought out laws/rules/guides will set a foundation for the creation of anything.
What has always been my stumbling block is spelling. My dyslexia manifests in my symbolic output. The spell check in Firefox is wonderful and means that I don't spend nights flipping back and forth between a and dictionary a thesaurus for hours. Painstakingly writing letters to my friends. However, it also means that I don't get distracted creating symbols either. Some of my favorite nights growing up consisted of me siting by candle light in my room writing and listening to tapes.

A large portion of what I believed the future would be like has already become the past. I find myself drifting rudderless while my intelligence works feverishly with all the new data that streams into it trying to weave a coherent world view. What a beautiful tapestry. Cycles, loops, patterns, and the endless beat from the core of creation itself.

Falling asleep...

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